

Citizens find the increase in fuel prices intolerable.

 LAHORE: A number of citizens described the government-announced increase in petroleum product prices as intolerable on Sunday.

Citizens find the increase in fuel prices intolerable.
Citizens find the increase in fuel prices intolerable.

"According to The Express Tribune, they are concerned that the decision will cause another wave of inflation and raise the cost of transportation for all goods. "Fuel price increases would exacerbate the financial difficulties of daily wage earners, students, and others who use public transportation, on top of the already exorbitant prices of essential items.

Muhammad Arif and Muzamil, who work in government and semi-government offices and were purchasing gasoline for their vehicles, claimed that the ruling parties promised to bring inflation under control and provide relief to the people before coming to power. However, as the prices of petroleum products rose, their financial problems worsened, and they complained. According to Muhammad Kashif, a laborer, the increase in petrol prices will have the greatest impact on daily wage earners. A laborer's daily wage is only a few hundred rupees, and the government keeps raising the price of gasoline without regard for his plight.

He claimed that ordinary people's lives were becoming increasingly difficult. Ambreen a student at a private university, said the increase in fuel prices would exacerbate her financial problems because the cost of transportation would rise, and they would have to bear the additional cost on a daily basis.

Muhammad Jameel, a customer at a gas station, expressed concern that not only would commuters' financial problems worsen, but the price increase could also result in an increase in crimeas well as bribery.

He stated that the government should reverse the increase in petroleum prices as soon as possible in order to provide relief to the public.

Another citizen stated that the people were already suffering from unemployment and a lack of business opportunities.

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